Lethbridge LIP hosts this meeting bringing local service providers together once a month to network and share information.
Lethbridge LIP hosts this meeting bringing local service providers together once a month to network and share information.
Every month, the LIN meeting starts with a presentation by a local organization which we have invited to highlight their agency, information they have to share or a project that they are working on.
The rest of the meeting is a time for service providers to share their programs or other relevant information with the other meeting participants.
The meetings take place the 3rd Friday of each month from 9:30AM – 11:00AM (with the exception of July and August) on Teams. The meeting link can be found on the website calendar, or our Facebook page.
Please join us:
The Lethbridge Interagency Network will meet again in September.
FRIDAY September 15, 2023 from 9:30 – 11:00AM