Dib-u-degidda dalka Kanada ee qaxooti ahaanta ayaa waxaa ka buuxa filasho, rajo iyo caqabado.Wax weyn bay taraysaa in la oggaado waxa la filyo iyo adeegyada iyo taageerada aad heli karto marka aad tahay qaxooti dib-u-dejin loo sameeyay si lagaaga caawiyo in degidda dalka Kanada.Ka hor inta aadan imaan, ayaa waxaad tababarka Hannuuninta Kanada ee Dibedda ka soo qaadan kartaa hay’adda Caalamiga ah ee Socdaalka. Tani waxay kugu caawin doonta in aad wax badan ka oggaato dalka Kanada iyo sida loogu diyaar-garoobo safarka.Marka ugu horreysa ee aad timaado dalka Kanada adiga oo qaxooti dib-u-dejin loo soo sameeyay ah, hay’ad ay maalgeliso Dowladda Kanada ama kafaala-qaadayaashaada gaarka ah ayaa gacan kaa siin doonna daboolidda baahiyadaada degdegga ah. Waxay kugu soo dhaweyn doonnaan garoonka diyaaradaha, waxay ku siin doonnaan meel aad si ku meelgaar ah u joogto iyagga oo kaa caawin doonna in aad hesho guri joogto ah. Waxay sidoo kale kaa caawin doonnaan in aad xisaab banki furato, in aad carruurtaada iskuul ku qorto, iyo in aad barato sida loogu dhex socda bulshadaada cusub.Sida qaxooti dib-u-dejin loogu sameeyay dalka Kanada ahaan, ayaa waxaad sidoo kale heli kartaa adeegyada degidda oo bilaash ah si lagaaga caawiyo in aad la qabsato oo aad ku dhex guuleysato bulshadaada cusub gudaheeda.
بعض الصور تدابير التباعد الجسدي الحالية.*قد تكون عملية إعادة التوطين في كندا كلاجئ مليئة بالتطلعات والآمال والتحديات.من المفيد معرفة ما يمكن توقعه وما هي الخدمات ووسائل الدعم المتوفرة لك كلاجئ أعيد توطينه لمساعدتك في الاستقرار في كندا.قبل وصولك إلى كندا، يمكنك الحصول على تدريب حول البرنامج الكندي للتوجيه في الخارج من المنظمة الدولية للهجرة. سيساعدك هذا التدريب في معرفة المزيد عن كندا وكيفية الاستعداد للسفر.عند وصولك إلى كندا للمرة الأولى كلاجئ أعيد توطينه، ستساعدك إحدى المنظمات التي تمولها الحكومة الكندية أو الجهات الراعية الخاصة بك في تلبية احتياجاتك العاجلة. سيرحبون بك في المطار، وسيوفرون لك مكانًا مؤقتًا للإقامة وسيقومون بمساعدتك في العثور على منزل دائم. كما سيساعدونك أيضًا في فتح حساب مصرفي، وتسجيل أطفالك في المدرسة، ومعرفة كيفية التنقل في مجتمعك الجديد.بصفتك لاجئًا يُعاد توطينه في كندا، يمكنك أيضًا الحصول على خدمات توطين مجانية لمساعدتك على التكيف والنجاح في مجتمعك الجديد.
It’s helpful to know what to expect and what services and support are available to you as a resettled refugee to help you get settled in Canada.
Before you arrive, you can take Canadian Orientation Abroad training from the International Organization for Migration. This will help you learn more about Canada and how to prepare for travel.
Former Lost Boys Samuel Mathon and John Manyok have beaten the odds in their journey to earn Bachelor of Social Work degrees. Read their story on the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work website.
At all stages and ages, being a present, attentive and loving dad will help ensure children’s success and happiness. Learn more about the ways in which dads going through the immigration process can continue to support and provide for their families through employment services, community involvement and play. This video is part of the Family Life in Canada resource series. The series aims to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada and encourages them to access information, programs, services and resources in their community.
Children’s rights are human rights, and it’s important for every Canadian and every newcomer to understand what those rights are. When parents model behaviour that respects child and human rights, children feel that their needs are met, that they are valued and that they can thrive. How do children’s rights apply in Canada? What’s the difference between a want and a right? This video answers these questions and more to help newcomer families adjust to their new life in Canada.
Moving to a new country is especially hard for teenagers. They must learn how to navigate challenges such as balancing culture, traditions and Canadian customs all while making new friends. Changes at home, a new school system, a new language and a harsh winter can be difficult. Learn from other teenagers’ experiences and get their best advice about being a teen in Canada.
Parents can face many challenges when they arrive in a new country with their children. Most parents, no matter where they are from, want their children to be happy and healthy, and have good relationships with them and other people. Is parenting in Canada different? What are the expectations? How can parents establish trust and manage stress? This video answers these questions and introduces parents to positive discipline.
By building a social support network, newcomer parents and children can feel less stress and isolation. By using positive discipline, parents can build a relationship with their child that will last forever. This way, families can manage the changes that come with building their new life in Canada.