It’s helpful to know what to expect and what services and support are available to you as a resettled refugee to help you get settled in Canada.
Before you arrive, you can take Canadian Orientation Abroad training from the International Organization for Migration. This will help you learn more about Canada and how to prepare for travel.
The Regional Skills Study is designed to support greater alignment between job vacancies of local employers with those looking for work. For this study, the Southwest Alberta region is defined as the area spanning east of the BC border, south of Calgary, and west of Brooks.
Please join us Monday August 31, 2020 for this very important and informative session designed to help you, help others prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Information on the Alberta Health Services website is available in the following languages: Arabic, French, Punjabi, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tigrinya, Vietnamese.
Pronunciator’s self-directed online COVID-19 language course in 101 languages teaches vocabulary (e.g. “quarantine,” “pandemic,” etc.) and phrases (e.g. “I’m having difficulty breathing,” “Is it an emergency?”, etc.) relevant to the COVID-19 crisis. 90 home languages are supported.
Former Lost Boys Samuel Mathon and John Manyok have beaten the odds in their journey to earn Bachelor of Social Work degrees. Read their story on the University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work website.
From refugee to real estate mogul, Bob Dhillon’s $10-million donation to the University of Lethbridge’s School of Business is the largest gift in its history.
At all stages and ages, being a present, attentive and loving dad will help ensure children’s success and happiness. Learn more about the ways in which dads going through the immigration process can continue to support and provide for their families through employment services, community involvement and play. This video is part of the Family Life in Canada resource series. The series aims to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada and encourages them to access information, programs, services and resources in their community.