How To Find A Doctor

Chinook Primary Care Network

Find your Family Doctor and Patient Medical Home. Chinook Primary Care Network collaborates with physician clinics and Alberta Health Services to optimize delivery of accessible, patient-centered primary health care to Southwestern Alberta.

Family Doctor

Walk-in Clinics

Making A Doctor’s Appointment

Your Doctor’s Appointment


Emergency Department

Call 911

Health Link Alberta – 811

Health Link Alberta

Do you have a health concern for yourself or a child? Call Health Link by dialing 811 for quick and easy advice from a registered nurse 24/7. They will ask questions, assess symptoms and determine the best care for you.

Remember, in a medical emergency, always call 911 or visit the nearest emergency department.

Medication and the Pharmacy

Additional Resources

Alberta Health Services - Addictions Counselling

If you or a member of your family has a problem with an addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling, addictions counselling can be provided by Alberta Health Services. The 24 Hour Help Line is 1-866-332-2322

Alberta Health Services - Translated Resources

Get the right care when you need. You have many options to manage and maintain your health. Find translated resources in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.